

Commenced sales of 100Arms compatible, low heat coreless current sensor IC for EV quick charge stations and packaged air conditioners

2023-04-14 | 반환

Asahi Kasei Microdevices Corporation (AKM) will release 100Arms large current, highspeed, and high-precision coreless current sensor IC "CZ375 series" conforming to the industrial equipment insulating standard UL61800-5-1. Because of its low heat generation, this sensor IC is ideal for current detection and inverter control of large-capacity models such as EV quick-charging stations and packaged air conditioners.

With the same packaging as the previous model, it can measure up to ±225Apeak, making it easier to comply with larger current rating models.


Easy thermal design due to its low heat generation

Since the primary conductor resistance value is only 0.27mΩ, heat generation can be significantly suppressed while the current is applied compared to shunt resistors and similar products from other manufacturers.

Supports large current (effective current 100Arms/current range ±225Apeak)

Low heat generation realizes 100Arms continual energization. In addition, this IC can detect a wide range of current up to ±225Apeak. The new CZ375 Series enables customers using the conventional CZ370 Series (±180Apeak) to expand the application to larger models with higher current ratings. In addition, as it uses the same packaging as the CZ370 Series. the pattern layout can be used as it is.


>EV quick charge station
>Packaged air conditioner
>General-purpose inverter
>PV power conditioners
